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Ramadan Program
Over the past three years we have been providing food items and iftar to needy Muslim families during the holy month of Ramadan. With support from generous donors, we have been able to serve over 645 needy families in Somalia in 2021. Each Ramadan food package consists of staples food like rice, flour, oil, sugar, and dates enough for one month. Each food pack costs $25 and is enough for one-month for a family of 5-7 members.
As part of our Ramadan program, in 2021 we hosted Iftar (breakfast) for 843 people at Baidoa Grand Mosque and Al-Rahman Mosque.

Eid season is an important time for families and their children in Somalia, and Eid clothing for poor children cannot be neglected during such a festive occasion. For this reason, we draw smiles on children’s faces and their families by purchasing Eid clothes and gifts for them. This year we have bought Eid clothes for 50 children in Bakool region in Somalia.
We believe educating future generations of Somalis is the only durable way to institute systemic economic and social change in Somalia. We continuously operated primary and secondary school (Imam Zeyli’i School) in Somalia since 2019.
Iman Zeyli’i School is located in Baidoa, the administrative capital city of the South West State of Somalia. The School was built in 2019 and has eight (8) classrooms, administration office, female and male toilets and teachers’ quarter. The School is registered with the Ministry of Education of Southwest State. Currently the school offers free primary to secondary level education to over 200 students.
Our student population include orphans, students from vulnerable and poor families living in IDP camps and as well as students with special needs.
The school management is supported by a Community Education Committee (CEC) to promote school enrolment through raising community awareness about the importance of education.
Education is fundamental in giving children a path to escaping poverty. Without education, it is impossible for children to improve their future.
We are dedicated ensuring that the most disadvantaged children, have an opportunity to attend and learn in school providing them with life skills to fulfil their full potential.
- Somalia has one of the world’s lowest school enrolment rates.
- More than 3 million of the estimated 4.9 million school-aged children, are out of school.
- Only 30 per cent of children aged 6 to 13 years are enrolled in primary education.
- Estimated 1.4 million school aged children will be in need of humanitarian assistance to retain/enroll in schools.
- The ongoing conflict and natural disasters continue to displace children and families, making it very difficult for them to continue schooling.

Emergency Relief
Somalia continues to be one of the poorest countries in the world. 3.5 million people are acutely food insecure and in need of humanitarian assistance. With poverty rate of 73% and around 24% of people live on less than $1 a day, our food assistance is helping people who are most affected by food insecurity.
In 2020 we provided food assistance to over 2000 vulnerable people in Bakool and Bay regions in Somalia. We will continue to work closely with local authorities, partner organizations and volunteers to alleviate suffering and to ensure our meager resources cover the priority needs of people identified to be in need of humanitarian assistance.